September 11, 2001 changed the world forever and GBC Safety Glow would like to take a moment to remember those that lost their lives trying to evacuate the towers. This tragedy pains GBC as our business runs on providing safe and successful building evacuation methods. Per the IBC & IFC building & fire codes, any high rise building over 75ft is required to implement a low location photo-luminescent emergency egress system (except for apartment buildings). Since 9/11, GBC Safety Glow is working even harder in educating building owners about the benefit of GBC Safety Glow Photo-Luminescent Emergency Egress Systems. We are installing our system into every high rise building that we can. Safety is our top priority and we want to see every building offer our emergency evacuation system. Our systems glow in the dark and allow for an illuminated path to nearby exits and obstacles. Our products save lives in fires, power outages, and other disaster situations. Thousands of people die each year due to unsuccessful evacuation from buildings for one reason or another. Let’s work together to decrease that number and increase safety.
All of our products are made in the USA. Thank you to those who serve this great country and risked their lives to save others as we remember those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001.