GBC Safety Glow is proud to offer Emergency Egress System Components that meet all IBC/IFC 2009, 2012, 2015 requirements and are also Standards for Luminous Egress Path Marking Systems per UL Listing.
Learn More about the UL 1994 Standard for Luminous Egress Path Marking Systems

Since the conception of photo-luminescent materials for life safety systems, there have been many “CHEAP” variations of glow materials produced and sold. Obviously price drives everything, but you don’t want to risk your life with “The Cheap stuff.” Most people don’t realize that the World Trade Center towers had photo-luminescent materials. The problem was the materials made at that time were junk! This was a lesson learned the hard way. After the reports of 9/11 were completed, a large number of recommendations came to add photo-luminescent materials, but also to improve the quality by adding stringent testing requirements (UL 1994) to help insure public safety in high rise facilities.
The main objective was to mandate a uniform photo-luminescent emergency evacuation system that would be reliable and consistent. The key components of the emergency egress system were outlined in the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Fire Code (IFC) and the building code was changed in 2009. Only this time the code changes implemented a very specific testing standard through Underwriters Laboratories. The standard is known as UL 1994. The term “tested to UL 1994” is a common tactic used by foreign manufacturers. Only “listed” UL 1994 products make the cut.
1. What is the warranty on materials & installation?
– Our warranty is 10 years
2. What type of materials are used?
– GBC uses only the highest quality materials to create their products
3. How will the products be fastened.
– GBC uses tested and proven secured methods of fastening
4. Ask for a copy of the UL 1994 listing for each product being installed. GBC’s UL Listings
5. Make sure the company isn’t buying and reselling you foreign made products.
6. Make sure the installation is guaranteed to pass the fire department code inspection.
– We guarantee your safety egress system will pass fire code