If you’re on this page it’s likely because you know that over the past several years, new international building and fire codes have implemented new laws for Means of egress, specifically photo-luminescent egress path markings. GBC Safety Glow follows all new fire code regulations and this is proven by all of their Emergency Egress Components being IBC/IFC 2009, 2012, 2015 certified. All of GBC Safety Glow’s Egress Components are also UL 1994 Listed.

Since 2009 many states and local municipalities have required Photo-luminescent egress systems (Glow-in-the-Dark) technology in Public High Rise buildings throughout the U.S. Furthermore schools, hospitals and hotels also fall under these code requirements. Based on current code standards there are only 7 required products found here: Emergency Egress Components
When it comes to product choices there are a few things you need to know. IBC and IFC both have the same product requirements and they both specify compliance standards. When you are dealing with code compliance, following the code means working with a company who knows the codes and understands what products are correct and how they must be installed.
Often times a General Contractor hands the scope of PL egress over to a painting contractor who was told to “take care of this PL egress system”. Well, I have said this before and it may just save you a lot of time and money. You cannot give a scope for a Life Safety System to a subcontractor who is not Certified to Source or Install a Life Safety System. It’s like asking your flooring contractor to install the Fire Suppression system – you wouldn’t do that! And the photo-luminescent egress path markings system is no different. Trust a professional to give you the information you need to know and the installation you need to be code compliant. Trust GBC Safety Glow and Contact Us for more information.